On IQ Tests
Let me just start this off by saying, I get that IQ is the best measurement we have for overall intelligence right now. I get that. But that doesn't make it good. IQ tests do not measure intelligence very well. I've known a few people that went and took IQ tests and did well. But that certainly didn't make them smart. I knew a guy that claimed to be a certified genuis according to IQ. He was not a genuis. This guy wasn't stupid per se, but he wasn't the brightest either. He was pretty book smart, I guess. Although he was an incredibly slow learner. The teacher could literally say 2+2=4 and this dude would STILL ask why. If he was TRULY smart, he would already know the answer through deductive and inductive reasoning. Sometimes, he'd have the teacher spend a good deal of class time explaining something pretty obvious to him. That doesn't really indicate a large intelligence. He was also extremely arrogant about his intelligence. Ever heard of the dunning Krug...