Good and Evil

Good and evil. Such nebulous terms. They really don't mean anything on their own. Almost everybody has a different idea as to what good and evil are. Coming up with solid definitions is quite hard. Good is that which is opposite of evil. Simple right? If something is evil, than the opposite of that thing is good. My definition of evil matters as a result of my definition for good. Evil is defined as that which is opposite of good...........wait a minute. They are still nebulous terms that mean nothing!!!! Well yeah. That's because they are essentially placeholders for the individual's values. Something is good or evil depending on one's own point of view, ethically speaking. People can argue whether certain actions are good or evil. People can even convince others of their own ideas. But there is no such thing as good or evil. There is no objective truth here. These are man made concepts to represent our morality. There is nothing for objective fact. It is all subjective. Morality is as subjective as one's favorite color.


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