Why self-righteousness is reprehensible

In my previous post, I addressed the concepts of good and evil. I concluded that good and evil are nebulous concepts that mean nothing on their own. I used that to prove that morality is subjective by definition. Go back to my previous post if my reasoning matters to you.

Imagine for a second. We have a guy named Jerry. Jerry really likes the color blue. Jerry thinks that the color blue is the best color and everybody that thinks otherwise is wrong. Jerry believes that blue being the best color is objective. To him, blue being the best color is like how 1+1=2; it is just undeniable reality. Jerry tells everybody that thinks other colors are better that they are reprehensible people. Blue is the best color, and if you think otherwise, then you are undeserving of Jerry's time. He thinks you are stupid and wrong. Just think about how obnoxious Jerry is. Who is he to push his subjective opinion on what color is the best unto everybody else? Furthermore, he has no right to be so condescending to everybody that disagrees! One's favorite color is not objective, and to say it is would be the height of arrogance!.............notice anything with my example? That's right. This is a metaphor. The colors are morality here. Blue represents the morality that Jerry has chosen.

Pushing one's own values onto others is the height of arrogance. Thinking that one's own set of moral values are better than everybody else's is absolutely abhorrent. I would sooner praise Hitler than somebody like that. In my view, self-righteousness is worse than evil is. There is no justification for telling somebody that their own personal set of values make them a bad person. Just because a person may not have your set of values does not make that person bad. Saying that oneself is better than another on the basis of something as subjective as morality is absolutely disgusting. Just because you may think that sex before marriage is wrong does not mean that everybody else should. Pushing a value like that on somebody makes me want to punch a wall. It is deserving of mockery and nothing else.
I hate nothing on this planet more than self-righteousness. 


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