My take on modern dating

So, I'm about to complain about dating. Im talking online because I don't have many other ways to meet people. To be blunt, it sucks. It's not that I am unfunny, or even bad at conversation. If either of those were true, I'm sure I wouldn't get along with people so well in my day to day life. The problem is this. Everything is a bloody test. There are probably at least 5 guys talking to any girl at any given time. This means the girl is constantly testing you. From your introduction to your conversation skills. Everything is a bloody test. Even if you manage to get a date, it is still a test. Nothing ever feels genuine. It doesn't ever feel like the girl I'm talking to wants to get to know me at all. She just wants the guy with the best specs. Obviously, this isn't every single girl in the dating game, but it IS most of them and it gets frustrating. I feel less like I am talking to a human being and more like I'm taking an exam at college. "What should I say here to get the most marks?". I have no patience for games like this. I don't want to play games. I just want to get to know people. But it's really friggin hard when all they do is test you. How exactly am I supposed to be myself when I have to constantly worry about these things? Better yet, how am I supposed to get to know the girl I am talking to when everything she says is a test?
They seem to have astoundingly stupid standards too. It seems like every other girls has something along these lines in her bio "better be funny", "6 feet and up only please", "better be able to carry a conversation" etc etc. Like, do they think that's endearing or something? I get preferences are a thing but come on. It makes it feel like I'm applying for a job rather than trying to talk to a person. It's astounding just how shallow these people come off as. Sometimes, I'll see some chick with these rediculous requirements say that guys should look past her looks. These are usually the fatter chicks. Talk about hypocracy. I want to meet somebody that is fun to talk to and doesn't look like Moby dick. Is that really too much to ask for in this day and age? Sure, I PREFER short blonde chicks to basically everything other than Asian chicks(which I have a thing for), but it's not a friggin requirement. I will still date brunettes and gingers. Looks are not everything. They are at least important at first, but it's not everything. Not to me anyways. I'm not that shallow.
Also, why does basically every other girl claim to be some adventure/outdoors nut? It's kinda weird. Do they think guys prefer girls like that? I know I don't. Furthermore, when I talk to one of them and ask what they do, they generally say that they don't really go outdoors that much. This last girl I talked to listed hiking as one of her major hobbies, yet she says she has only gone like once. Why do they feel the need to lie like that? Nothing turns me off faster than a liar. I may toot my own horn a bit in my bio, but I never lie.
So basically, it's a conglomeration of things that make online dating borderline unbearable. Overall, online dating is possibly the most irritating thing I may have ever done. It's infuriating and I may have about had enough of it. Sure, having a girlfriend may be nice, but it definitely isn't worth this.

P.S. To anybody that wants to know. It's not that I won't date fatter chicks. It's that I won't date chicks that look like they played Moby dick in high school. It shows a lack of self control. It shows a lack of willpower. A lot of times, hypocracy as well. Not to mention that it's so unhealthy that they might die of heart attack before I even graduate from University. Above all, they just are not that attractive. A little bit of fat is fine(hell, that's where I sit) but it is not cool if you look like you have more that 60% body fat.


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