MBTI personality test.

I am going to take it and relay the results here. It is interesting, I think. I have taken it before but it has been a while. I was an INTJ last time I checked. I will go on after I take it. Seeya then.

I got INTP. It has been a long time since I took this test, so it will be interesting to see the differences. So first, the introduction section. The INTP is apparently known as "the logician". Don't flatter me too much now, I will get a big head. They say that spotting discrepancies and contradictions can be considered a hobby of sorts, which makes us bad to lie to. True, I do tend to pick up on lies pretty fast. As creepy as it may sound, I observe people. Especially those that I have to interact with. This makes it really easy to tell if they lie. They say that we tend to use others as a sounding board of ideas in an argument of sorts against themselves. This is too true. I will almost always discuss ideas with others in an effort to form a complete opinion on any given subject. Very rarely will I just leave things to myself to decide without that process. What can I say, it's helpful. They say that we are basically always brimming with ideas. Well. If my blog doesn't prove that then I don't have any idea what will. They say we have a serious fear of failure...............nuh uh. I have no fears..............serious, I am not lying. Totally...............ok fine I fear failure, happy?

Now I'm in the strengths section. Great analyst and abstract thinker. I feel that I am not the one to say whether or not I am a good analyst, but I do consider myself an abstract thinker. Imaginative and original. I don't really know about this one. Usually my thoughts are spurred on by something. Like the novel from the previous post or philosophy class. I guess you could call that original. Open-minded. Again, I am not sure if I am the one that should be saying this but I do consider myself to be open- minded. I am willing to change any position that I hold given sufficient reason. I am also pretty open to new experiences. Stepping out of my comfort zone is not easy, but I got used to it. Enthusiastic. Totally. I love diving right into interesting topics and ideas. Hell, I go here the second I feel I have something to say on an idea or subject. Objective. I do consider myself objective, yes. Honest and straightforward. Most say that I am this to a fault. I am not sure why being honest and straightforward can be bad, but I am told it can.
Now onto weaknesses. Very private and withdrawn. This is part of me that I fight every day. I try to be a completely open book and succeed in social settings. Insensitive. I've been told I am this to a T. I understand but it is just how I am. I can't and don't want to change it. Absent-minded. How exactly is this a bad thing mister MBTI man? Screw off. It makes me happy to be completely absorbed in my thoughts. Condescending. Again, I have been told I am. Loathes rules and guidelines. I dunno. I am kinda a non-conformist. Second guess themselves. This is so true.
The relationships section is very mixed. It mostly does not apply though.


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