My false bravado

Sometimes, I think I suck. I know, shocking. The magnificent king of jackasses has insecurities. But you know, I only ACT like an arrogant jackass. I'm not ACTUALLY that arrogant. Remember social law #1? The more somebody acts arrogant, the less likely they are to be arrogant. Generally speaking, this is true. Ask any first year psychology student, overwhelming arrogance is usually a mask for insecurities. The same definitely applies to me. I don't like to appear as if I'm constantly anxious about the things I say and do. I mean, social anxiety basically comes with the territory of being autistic, but that doesn't mean I have to advertise the fact. Its not like I am unconfident in my intelligence or my abilities. Or anything like that. Mostly it's just my social skills I am uncertain about. I do tend to see through people, but being able to do that and socializing are two separate things. Of course, I also think it's funny when I'm super arrogant. So its also a joke of sorts. Do I actually think I'm better than other people? Not really. I'm better in specific departments(math), but worse in others(English). So what's the take away from this? Your friendly neighborhood arrogant prick is human too, try to treat him or her as such.


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