Nice Girls

I have mentioned this novel before. It is the same one where I stole the name for my genuine thing. Ever wonder why I use this character as an excuse to talk about things? It's because we are basically the same person. Hell, our experiences in life are the same. For example. One thing that stays mostly constant is his view of nice girls. Now, I am not talking about nice girls in a sarcastic sense. I just mean genuinely nice girls. Those that will treat you no differently than any other just because they are truly nice. It is not a fake kindness like the kind I have talked about before. The niceness that has its roots in pity. These girls are not like that. They are few and far between, but they certainly do exist. I have encountered them myself. In his case, it was a girl in his middle school that was like that. He was a loner and made most people uncomfortable as a result of that and social incompetence. She talked to him anyways and was nice to him. He took that wrong. He saw all the signs wrong and thought she liked him romantically. He started to like her romantically. Then he confessed and got humiliated. He says that this experience affects him to this day(in high school). He has a general disdain for nice girls as a result of that experience. He acknowledges that guys like him will always read the signs wrong and grow feelings because they don't know any better. Since he does, he avoids nice girls all together.

Let's talk about this. See, I had an experience that was identical to that. I was the uncomfortable loner that got talked to by a nice girl. I read the signs wrong and confessed. Then I got humiliated.  It is the exact same. Mine happened in sixth grade though. Also, my experience might have been more traumatic. According to the flashbacks, he was only mocked by her friends. I got mocked by her and my whole class for the rest of the year. Ah, youth. Anyways, was I affected in the same way as he was? Completely. I also had a disdain for them and stayed as far away as I could. For instance, before I started learning to be more social, there was this girl in biology that always talked to me and tried to be my friend. Not sure why. Didn't seem to be out of pity because I told her to fuck off(not literally, it was just heavily implied) multiple times and she still tried. From then on I just ignored her. Pretended I didn't hear her when she talked and stuff like that. I still feel that nice girls are the kryptonite of loners and the socially incompetent. Nowadays, I consider myself a loner wearing the clothes of a social butterfly. Most of my social skills feel like clothes I put on and off. Like a facade. But that is besides the point. The point is that although my social skills are superior to how I was back then, I still fall into the same traps as loners when it comes to nice girls. That's why I take extra steps to avoid that in the modern day. I don't avoid them anymore, but I make sure never to let myself think even for a second that they may like me romantically. It is just not gonna happen so I need to face reality. If they are nice to me then they are nice to everybody. That is a good motto to follow.


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