I hate false kindness

I saw a story on YouTube today about an autistic kid that was bullied by his teacher. As an autistic kid, I remember all kinds of bullying. Not so much from the teachers. I mean. They did nothing to stop it, but it's not like they really ever were the perpetrators of said bullying. Feels bad man. As so as someone who has gone through similar things, I really do feel for the kid. But it got me thinking about another story I remember that really made me mad. It's got nothing to do with bullying though. The story is quite simple. Dude with asberger's syndrome was approached by the football team in highschool and they talked to him. They then tried to be his friend. That's it. It was their good deed for the year, I guess. But here's the thing. I hate that kind of fake kindness. Allow me to explain.

So I have asberger's syndrome and ADHD. I've dealt with my fair share of bullying. I had 1 friend from 6th grade on. Lierally 1 friend. Before that I was totally alone. Said friend got cancer during 7th grade and stopped going to school, so I was totally alone again. I mean, I went to see him like every chance I got, I just mean at school. So I particularly know what being a complete loner that everybody marginalizes is like. There was a commonality throughout my years alone though. There was always at least 1 person that felt bad for me. Came to talk to me and tried to be my friend. Here's the thing though. They only did that because they felt bad for me. Pity. They pitied me. Someone who hasn't gone through that sort of thing would never understand the humiliation of having a "pity friend" as I like to call them.  They were never really interested in me. They were never really interested in being my friend. They just wanted to make themselves feel better. It's not selfless. It's the opposite. It's the epitome of selfishness. The only thing these narcissistic people saught was self-gratification. I prefer bullies any day of the week to the hypocritical scum that enacts that kind of false kindness. I really hate those kinds of people. As always, hate is a really strong word for me. These kind of people can go die. All of them. That's how much I hate them. That's why I see that story differently. The general public is the same. They like to make themselves feel better. That's why they eat up these kinds of stories. So next time you wanna applaud one of these people for talking to the poor little autistic kid, please actually think about what that autistic person REALLY wants and don't. Most of us hate pity parties.


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