Kingdom hearts 1.5 final mix HD remix remaster

Talk about too many buzz words man. The title of this game is like a bloody bee hive. Anyways, I've been playing kingdom hearts 1 for the first time. I'm about 20 hours in and I just beat the Neverland "level". To be blunt, I was really disappointed with the Neverland level. It's literally a friggin ship and a clock tower. That's it. Atlanticus was WAY better. Hell, all the levels were. Like. What were they thinking?

Anyways, I thought I'd post my thoughts so far. Well to start, it's easy as hell. I did normal mode cus I'm not a pansy nor a masochist. So yeah. But I honestly have no idea how people get off saying this game is hard. Just be like 2-5 levels over the Disney character in any given level and you should destroy the bosses and enemies with little difficulty. The combat is essentially press x to win with an occasional Dodge or sidestep and an occasional heal. That's it. I am not really impressed. Not with the combat nor the difficulty. Still, I find it fun. Why? Well it's a spectacle fighter. Anybody who says otherwise is just wrong. All that matters with this combat system is the spectacle. The gummi missions suck donkey balls though.
So the story. I know most people say it's not the best but I think it's actually pretty cool. I like the characters and I like the concept of the heartless and the keyblade and stuff. It's cool. The Disney characters are great. Talking to Ariel and Alice in the same game? Heck yeah!
So the levels. I love them. Even though they are not some example of master game design, it is still really fun and interesting. I liked seeing all the sights from my favorite Disney movies. My favorite levels being atlanticus, Halloween town, and wonderland. Always was a sucker for wonderland. And the aesthetic of Halloween town is awesome. I suppose I have to defend atlanticus huh? Well I actually liked the water mechanics. It looked cool. Plus I love the little mermaid so there is that. Also you get to fight a shark. Bosses sucked though(curse you ursula!!!!)
So I'm enjoying the game a great bit. I like it a lot. Can't wait for the second one though. I've heard it is basically better in every way.


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