Nice guy complex

I was talking to some of my buddies about this subject. I was talking about how alot of the guys who are generally called nice guys are vultures, but a fair amount of them are just socially inept. I too was like that once upon a time. As any reader of this blog well knows, I had problems in elementary school. I had friends before I transferred, but when I got to the new school, it wasn't fun. I was treated like garbage the entire time I was there. Which felt like an eternity to a kid being marginalized. Especially with girls, I developed a cynical attribute about me. I became quite disenchanted by girls. I thought they were all essentially selfish fake people that cared of nothing other than social status. Granted, that's essentially what I thought of all people. That said, it caused me to develop into what you could call a nice guy. I had all of the ideas they do. Girls only date the guy with the status, and it doesn't matter how much of an asshole he is. Stuff like that. The most notable difference is I was essentially disinterested in dating altogether. That's not to say I didn't date. I did. It just wasn't very healthy, as you might imagine, for such a cynical guy to be dating anybody. I had no desire for sex. Well, more like I considered it a waste of energy to want for it. I thought of it as merely a means for reproduction and nothing else. So how did I grow out of this? Well, it took me meeting truly nice people. Not people who were being nice out of pity, but for an actual want to get to know me. When I found out people were capable of being truly kind, it changed alot of how I saw the world. I still had trust issues for a long time. Eventually, you just have to accept that you are going to get hurt. It's part of being alive. What's the point of life if all you do is wait around avoiding pain? After all.

You'll never experience the good things in life without experiencing the bad.


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