hedonism and I

Hedonism. An interesting concept to be sure. Hedonism. The pursuit of pleasure and self-indulgence. Ethically, it's the idea that pleasure is the absolute good. It's quite similar to utilitarianism. In fact, one could say they go hand in hand. The idea is to maximize utility. Utility being happiness and pleasure. That coincided pretty well no? But just talking the non-ethical part. That being the active pursuit of pleasure. It's more like a way of life. I'd say that the main way I try to live is to avoid boredom. Stay amused. That's my pursuit. But by the same coin, hedonism is my pursuit. Avoiding boredom and pursuing amusement is pleasure of the highest degree to me. This fact makes me a stark hedonist. And why shouldn't I be? Because it's sinful? Immoral? Yeah, according to whom? God? Doesn't exist. Culture? Screw that noise. Doing what makes me happy should be what I do in life. Who is to say that is wrong? I'd say those people are nothing but self-righteous hypocrites. All anybody every does is what they want to, why should I be an exception?


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