Nice guy complex
I was talking to some of my buddies about this subject. I was talking about how alot of the guys who are generally called nice guys are vultures, but a fair amount of them are just socially inept. I too was like that once upon a time. As any reader of this blog well knows, I had problems in elementary school. I had friends before I transferred, but when I got to the new school, it wasn't fun. I was treated like garbage the entire time I was there. Which felt like an eternity to a kid being marginalized. Especially with girls, I developed a cynical attribute about me. I became quite disenchanted by girls. I thought they were all essentially selfish fake people that cared of nothing other than social status. Granted, that's essentially what I thought of all people. That said, it caused me to develop into what you could call a nice guy. I had all of the ideas they do. Girls only date the guy with the status, and it doesn't matter how much of an asshole he is. Stuff like that. ...