
Showing posts from June, 2018

Social law #5

All anybody does is what they want.

You control your fate

All anybody does is what they want. Without exception. There is no such thing as being forced to do something. Unless somebody is controlling your every action. Everything happens as a direct result of something you did or did not do. Whether you had a realistic way of knowing what would happen or not is irrelevant. It's classic cause and effect. You choose not to bring pepper spray with you on your way to work, and you get raped. You could have done a potentially infinite amount of things to prevent this. Like not going to work. But you chose that. And that is what happened as a result. You only did what you wanted. That's all you ever do. So imagine somebody ties you up so you cannot resist and rapes you. Then you are being forced right? Well yeah, but you aren't really doing anything as much as things are being done to you. And still, it happened as a result of something you did or did not do. Everything does. Everything happens as a direct result of your actions. You m...

What motivates my actions?

What makes me get up in the morning? What makes me choose to go on a date? What makes me go to college? What makes me go to work? What makes me live? Well, it really isn't that complicated. I do what I have to in order to avoid boredom and seek entertainment. I like to be amused. I like to enjoy life. Everything I do is for my entertainment. I don't pretend that it's some noble goal, but does it have to be? If it's what allows me to live my life, then why can't it be a little selfish?

hedonism and I

Hedonism. An interesting concept to be sure. Hedonism. The pursuit of pleasure and self-indulgence. Ethically, it's the idea that pleasure is the absolute good. It's quite similar to utilitarianism. In fact, one could say they go hand in hand. The idea is to maximize utility. Utility being happiness and pleasure. That coincided pretty well no? But just talking the non-ethical part. That being the active pursuit of pleasure. It's more like a way of life. I'd say that the main way I try to live is to avoid boredom. Stay amused. That's my pursuit. But by the same coin, hedonism is my pursuit. Avoiding boredom and pursuing amusement is pleasure of the highest degree to me. This fact makes me a stark hedonist. And why shouldn't I be? Because it's sinful? Immoral? Yeah, according to whom? God? Doesn't exist. Culture? Screw that noise. Doing what makes me happy should be what I do in life. Who is to say that is wrong? I'd say those people are nothing but se...